Finding Your God-Given Value



Photo by Andrea Piacquadiov on

A thought has been stirring me lately: As a creation of God, I need to see my value to Him. As a child of God, I need to really understand my sonship in Him. For me, this comes down to acceptance. Feelings of worthlessness have kept me from accepting the great value that God puts on my life, and what a tragedy that is! Once I realized this, I was taken aback but also motivated to pursue the correct self-view that aligns with God’s perspective of me. Afterall, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

In what can be the up and down battle of self-worth, how can a constant be found?

Where do we go from here?

Well, not to sound like a broken record if you’ve read my blogs, but let’s turn to the Word. If you have identified a lack of acceptance for God’s view of yourself like I have, then it requires some deeper digging to hone in on exactly what that means. Now, anyone can surely disagree with me on this, but I believe that staying in a place of low thinking about ourselves is not honoring to God. If we are His followers and He is in us and we are in Him, then we must be reflecting who He is, thoughts and all. We are His creation. I believe that honoring God requires us thinking of ourselves as cherished as we are to Him. When we are not cherishing who we are, we are undervaluing his workmanship.

Reframing Self-Worth

Putting more value on myself for my sake honestly hasn’t been a big push to snap me out of my poor self-view. But when I think about how changing my self view is for Him (and not for me), I feel renewed and eager to change my thinking. Afterall, if all of my thoughts can glorify the King, then what a win that is for the kingdom! I wonder in what ways can I be used once I overcome this poor thinking?

By meditating on some scripture, I begin to see what a masterpiece I am to Him. You can begin to reframe your thinking by meditating on these verses, too. It takes time, but if you recite these anytime a negative thought about your worth comes up, it does do the trick. I’m often turning my attention and thoughts towards these verses when I’m doubting my own value.

  • I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)
  • I am His workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)
  • I am adopted into His family (Ephesians 1:5)
  • I am sealed for redemption (Ephesians 4:30)
  • I can do all things through Him (Philippians 4:13)

Even more encouraging are these verses in scripture, “I urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you’ve been called, with all humility and gentleness, patience, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in this bond of peace.”

Here’s how I’ve applied this to my life: The manner we are called to walk in are also descriptors of walking in love. I am called to LOVE myself so that I can love others. Finally, the bond of peace I have with Christ assures me that I can have internal peace. In order to combat low-self worth issues, I can remind myself of God’s promise for peace over me and pray for that peace.

I wouldn’t want to ever diminish the creation of my Lord, the great Creator, or doubt the love and worth He has given me. I wouldn’t want to let him down or dishonor him. And if healthy thoughts about myself edify what a great and wonderful Creator my God is and His perfect love for me, why wouldn’t I want to change my thoughts?

Let’s Talk

Do you struggle with thoughts of low self-worth? How do you cope? Are you ready to go deeper and learn how God views you?

3 responses to “Finding Your God-Given Value”

  1. […] He may just even like those things about you that you can’t stand about yourself. Seek His perspective when it comes to viewing yourself (talking to myself here, […]


  2. […] out the right kind of love towards myself. Understanding God’s love for me has truly reshaped my thoughts of self-worth and in turn made me more capable of loving others the way that He wants me to. The easiest way for […]


  3. […] you struggle with other self-worth issues, then learn to define your worth by who He says you are, not by the what the world tells you or what you may be telling yourself. Easier said then done. I […]


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